Hi! My name is Michał Góral, I am software developer (currently at Nokia) and
this is my personal website. You can read more about me on a separate
page if you’re curious.
You can contact me by e-mail: dev@goral.net.pl. My PGP key
fingerprint is: 0423 DE59 98D1 2C33 E599 CDCF E3DD DA4D C45F 58CB.
I understand why GCC guys added checks for dangling references, but without a
Rust-like syntax for annotating lifetimes of references, they’re confusing
and produce way too many false-positives. The situation is bad, because you
should trust compilers, even more than yourself, and now instead of
acknowledging and fixing our mistakes, we’re going to spend time checking if
compiler is right or not. This has uncanny resemblance to the current
situation with AI which you cannot trust.
Anna Studniarek is Polish translator for most of Cosmere books, but not for
Mistborn, which was translated by Aleksandra Jagiełowicz. I think that she
initially planned to translate (some of) names to their Polish equivalents,
similar to what Jerzy Łoziński had done with The Lord of the Rings,(sidenote: n.b. negative feedback which Łoziński’s translation received
is probably the reason for most Polish translators to think twice before they
change any original name.)
but she changed plans. She left a
single unnoticed “Upiorek”, a translation for the name of one of characters,
Spook.(sidenote: “spooky” can be translated as “upiorny”)
It’s one of these things you start noticing when you re-read books, but it
still took me a minute to connect the dots.
I released Ledgerify 0.2.2. It has
only one fix: it stops complaining about transactions with 2 postings with
different currencies and different signs, but instead it correctly recognizes
them as currency exchange.
I added a new script to i3a: i3a-scale-cycle. This allows to use a single comand
to predefine some scaling factors for Sway and cycle them. I generally don’t
have problems with small letters, so I don’t use scaling, but sometimes my
eyes are to tired to bear them any longer. Usage example: i3a-scale-cycle -f
1,1.25,1.5 --next
Formatting is one of these parts of TWC which I disliked the most. This has
finally changed with release of TWC 0.9 and complete rewrite of formatting
strings syntax.
With markorapp, a script which I wrote, it's easy to create "singletons" in i3. Singletons are applications which should have only one instance, like a particular terminal.
Xsession is a default way of starting X sessions in Debian, but for some
reason it remains a mystery for many people. Here I try to shed some light on
Structured Bindings is a new way to decompose values returned from functions. It's similar to some other programming languages and greatly simplifies the code.