About me

Hi! My name is Michał Góral and I’m a programmer, hobby guitarist, hard
sci-fi reader, Free Software advocate, as well as a faithful fan
and user of Debian. Even though I don’t have beard1, most of the time
I’m found in terminal instead of a nice graphical environment2.
I use Free Software a lot. I try to give back to the community as much as I can. Among many bigger and smaller projects which I created or co-created, there are few which I don’t have to be ashamed of (hopefully):
- Subconvert - movie subtitles converter and editor (unmaintained, unusable on Wayland);
- Feed Commas - CommaFeed’s (RSS aggregator and reader) console client (unmaintained);
- Quicksend - console program for quick sending messages via different protocols (unmaintained);
- Commenter - filter used for commenting-out and uncommenting blocks of text;
- AnyWebHook - generic web hook, or rather a framework for writing your own web hooks;
- Yaxo - yet another xdg-open replacement;
- TWWeb - TaskWarrior web interface (unmaintained, should work);
- TWC - Interactive terminal frontend for TaskWarrior (unmaintained, should work);
- KeePass Shell - shell-like interface providing access to KeePass databases.
- Zet - modular, Zettelkasten aware command line notebooks manager.
- i3a - i3 and Sway automation through their IPC capabilities.
- Stag - static site generator (this site is built with it).
- GWS - Git Web Service server + frontend, based on Gitolite and CGit.
I use unnecessarily fabulous image frames.
You can mail me: dev@goral.net.pl. Mysterious strangers can encrypt their e-mails. My PGP key is available to download from this site or from the most of popular key servers.