Persistent Synology Configuration

  • Synology, bash
  • 6
  • 2
  • finished

DSM is a Linux-based operating system shipped with Synology servers. It has a kinda immutable root filesystem: you may change it, but you don’t know when your modifications will be lost. Sometimes it happens after a reboot, other times – after a system upgrade. To persist configuration, Synology expects you to configure everything from a web UI. This is very limiting approach for power users. This situation made me create a system which applies user configuration and doesn’t rely on web UI, apart from some initial setup.

TLDR: It comes down to calling a series of shell scripts with run-parts during Synology boot. run-parts is called from Synology Task Manager.


Before we continue, we need 3 things:

  • a persistent file system, which Synology won’t modify by itself: one of already configured volumes. For me this is /volume1
  • Enabled SSH : Control Panel → Terminal & SNMP → Terminal → Enable SSH service
  • Access to administrator account (not root), because only admins may SSH to Synology box.

Fake Rootfs

With these things at hand, we may SSH into our Synology box using admin account. (sidenote: To be frank, it’s possible to run shell commands through Synology Task Manager, but I wholeheartedly hate this method.) Let’s ignore annoying warning in MOTD and switch to the root account with sudo su command. As a real root we may create a kind of minimal rootfs on our volume, which will imitate the real one. Let’s put it in /volume1/sys:

# mkdir -p /volume1/sys/{bin,etc,opt,usr/share}
# chown -R root:administrators /volume1/sys

It serves as a bucket for executable scripts (for backup, certificates renewal), configuration files etc. For now we’ll populate it with scripts which we’d like to boot. I think that the most appropriate directory is inside usr/share, so let’s create it and put some scripts inside: (sidenote: All vim commands can be replaced with any other way to populate this directory with scripts. All sripts presented below are only examples of what you can achieve.)

# mkdir /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d
# vim /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d/10-hosts
# vim /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d/10-udev-serial-rule
# vim /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d/50-start-docker
# vim /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d/99-ntfy
# chmod +x /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d/*

Run Scripts After Boot

DSM allows running any scripts after the server boot, but we must add them through Task Scheduler in web UI: Control Panel → Task Scheduler → Create -> Triggered Task → User-defined script. Make sure that user who runs the script is root event is “Boot-up” and switch to Task Settings tab, where we may type the actual script. To run the scripts in lexicographical order we’re going to use ordinary run-parts program.

echo "Runing on-boot sequence"
/bin/run-parts --verbose /volume1/sys/usr/share/run-on-boot.d

On top of that, Synology allows us to configure e-mail notifications when script fails. It’s a useful option and I recommend enabling it, because these e-mails contain output of failed script, which is a tremendous help for debugging.

Screenshot of Create Task dialog

Screenshot of Create Task dialog

Screenshot of Create Task dialog - task settings tab

Screenshot of Create Task dialog - task settings tab


Here are examples of scripts which I use on my Synology NAS. Prefixing them with a number between 00 and 99 is an old convention to make sure that scripts are executed in order, which you may encounter in most Unix-based operating systems.


At one point I had a problem with my NAS calling home for no apparent reason. (sidenote: NAS was calling Quick Connect, a cloud service for remote access, which I had never enabled. I believe it was a bug, not a bad will of Synology Inc.) On top of being a privacy concern, it did put unnecessary burden on my local DNS server (PiHole), because it generated ~8000 A and AAA queries/hour.

I decided to block certain domains in /etc/hosts file. /etc/hosts on Synology comes with a warning though, that any manual changes are lost after a hostname change or system upgrade. Thanks to my script, after each reboot I make sure that Synology obeys my will.


add_host() {

    if ! grep -q "\b${hostname}\b" /etc/hosts; then
        echo "${ip} ${hostname}" >> /etc/hosts

add_host ::1


This script makes sure that udev rule which configures persistent device names in /dev exists. It’s necessary because Synology likes to delete all custom rules after upgrades: a thing I have learned when Home Assistant refused to start.


set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail


write_udev() {
    cat <<EOF
ACTION=="remove", GOTO="serial_end"

if [[ ! -e "${rule}" ]]; then
    echo "Recreating ${rule}"
    write_udev > "${rule}"
    chmod 644 "${rule}"
    udevadm control --reload-rules
    udevadm trigger


Dockerized services are important part of my homelab and I run quite a few of them. I orchestrate them with docker-compose which this script autostarts.


set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

echo "Starting up Docker services..."
cd /volume1/docker && /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d


Finally, when on-boot scripts finish, system sends a push notification through self-hosted instance of, which I receive on my phone. Starting DNS and DHCP server is a part of this boot-up sequence, so I know that there’s no internet access for me until I receive the notification.


set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
. "${DIR}/.env"

curl --silent \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${NTFY_TOKEN}" \
    -d "Synology: Boot finished" \ >/dev/null

This script uses a separate .env file, located in the same directory as a script. .env exports NTFY_TOKEN environment variable in case any other scripts would like to send notifications. Remember to not set executable flag on .env file or otherwise run-parts may execute it.