List of pages for pl
Git Credential Helper [PL]
Git has capabilities of writing custom credential helpers, which can fill passwords for accessing HTTP repos for us.
Commenter [PL]
Presentation of my program for toggling file comments depending on a list of keywords in a language similar to preprocesor.
Singleton w i3 [PL]
With markorapp, a script which I wrote, it's easy to create "singletons" in i3. Singletons are applications which should have only one instance, like a particular terminal.
Structured Bindings [PL]
Structured Bindings is a new way to decompose values returned from functions. It's similar to some other programming languages and greatly simplifies the code.
Generacja wersji [PL]
Presentation of simple scripts and techniques allowing automatic generation of program's version.
Deployment aplikacji internetowych [PL]
Writing and using webhooks to automate deployment of web applications.
Przypisać nieprzypisywalne [PL]
How can we live with types which do not implement assignment operator?
Zmiana monitorów w i3 [PL]
I did it! I forced a buggy xrandr to toggle screens and not kill X session!
Zamykanie aplikacji PyQt [PL]
Graceful shutdown of PyQt applications might be harder than it looks like. This article presents the problem and a way to resolve it.
Problem dependant names [PL]
How C++ handles dependant names and why we must use typename keyword everywhere.
Name hiding [PL]
Name hiding is a surprising feature of C++. Here we'll learn a little more about it.
Najważniejszy const [PL]
There is one const usage in C++ which is a little different than the others. Andrei Alexandrescu called it the most important const.
Zwracanie wartości z funkcji [PL]
The article about Return Value Optimization - one of the most important features of C++ compilers.
Konwersja const_iteratora na iterator [PL]
A trick which allows us to easily convert from const_iterator to iterator. Please don't do that.
Process substitution [PL]
Process substitution in Bash is a powerful technique which allows us to redirect command's output to programs which only accept files.
SubConvert 0.8.2 [PL]
I released a new version of SubConvert, a program to convert between various video subtitle formats.
Efekt Droste pokazany przy użyciu gry w życie [PL]
A video presenging Droste Effect which is a recursive image.
Nieskończenie wiele argumentów... [PL]
It's possible to create a functions in C, similar to printf and scanf, which accept infinite number of arguments.