List of pages for Creations
Master-stack layout for i3
DWM-like master-stack layout for i3 is possible by using i3's IPC mechanism.
Monochrome Vim Color Scheme
Monochrome colorschemes are good and pleasant for eyes. That's why I created one for Vim.
Working on TWC Formatting
Formatting is one of these parts of TWC which I disliked the most. This has finally changed with release of TWC 0.9 and complete rewrite of formatting strings syntax.
I synchronize a lot of things, each of them differently. Let's take a look how to write a simple Bash script which automates and parallels that.
Commenter [PL]
Presentation of my program for toggling file comments depending on a list of keywords in a language similar to preprocesor.
Singleton w i3 [PL]
With markorapp, a script which I wrote, it's easy to create "singletons" in i3. Singletons are applications which should have only one instance, like a particular terminal.
Generacja wersji [PL]
Presentation of simple scripts and techniques allowing automatic generation of program's version.
Deployment aplikacji internetowych [PL]
Writing and using webhooks to automate deployment of web applications.