List of pages for C++


Structured Bindings [PL]

Structured Bindings is a new way to decompose values returned from functions. It's similar to some other programming languages and greatly simplifies the code.


Problem dependant names [PL]

How C++ handles dependant names and why we must use typename keyword everywhere.

Name hiding [PL]

Name hiding is a surprising feature of C++. Here we'll learn a little more about it.

Najważniejszy const [PL]

There is one const usage in C++ which is a little different than the others. Andrei Alexandrescu called it the most important const.


Zwracanie wartości z funkcji [PL]

The article about Return Value Optimization - one of the most important features of C++ compilers.

Urbana meeting [PL]

A short summary of C++ comitee meeting in Urbana-Champaign.


std::move [draft]


A short introduction to one of the most breakthrough features of C++11: rvalue references and move semantics.


Polimorfizm [PL]

Introduction to C++ polymorhpism.