Polish Healthcare
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I’m disappointed by Polish public healthcare (again).
I had a little accident today and injured my foot. Because of pain, swelling and huge, nasty bruise which got bigger each hour, I decided to take my chance at the hospital’s emergency room. (sidenote: Polish: SOR (Szpitalny Oddział Ratunkowy)) They’re quite infamous in Poland for very long waiting times, but I had hoped to at least get some advice and and maybe an X-Ray.
Jokes on me. First hospital sent me to the other one. My fault, I guess. At the other hospital, after an hour of waiting in a queue (sidenote: Queue wasn’t very long. They weren’t admitting anyone for an hour.) , the nice lady behind the window heard my story and told me that unless I want to spend the night on hospital’s chair, I’d better go home and try next morning at yet another hospital with orthopedic clinic. I took her advice.
This adventure took me ~3 hours. I achieved nothing, my leg still hurts and tomorrow I’m appointed to the private consultations. Taxes well spent, 0/5, I don’t recommend it.